As with businesses in other industries, construction companies in London need to adapt to changing times to remain viable and the new age of workers who are entering this industry are bringing new ideas and perspectives that will shape its future.
An overview of the young generation starting out in the construction sector by HWB Construction revealed some portion of the things about the business they want to change.
Work-life balance
Of the 500 youngsters in the sector that took part in the survey, majority was happy with their jobs, but an area that they see an opportunity to get better in is work-life balance. 16% cited this as something they want to see change. They argued that the drive to complete projects –whether it is a fit-out, refurbishment or some other kind of building job – as quickly as possible means long working hours that can be exorbitant to home lives.
Gender balance
The same survey revealed that gender equality inside the business stays an issue, with the lack of women in senior roles being an issue cited by some young women who participated. 45% of young male respondents said that entering the construction business had been recommended to them at school, while just 23% of young women said the same. This continued lack of gender parity may be a contributory factor in the extended periods expected of workers carrying out construction jobs, as an ongoing piece in Image found that the desire to invest more energy with children is still observed by many managers as one that influences women more than men.
How is the next generation going to change things?
Clearly this is an issue that the next generation is entering the working world takes seriously and with the construction business facing a skill shortage, it is important that more youngsters are attracted to construction. To achieve this, the business is working to get more young women engaged with using visits to building sites, placements and building work tester meetings. As more men and women enter, we are likely going to see an a lot more greater emphasis on balancing the completion of projects with the demands of family life, regardless of whether it means longer deadlines.